Kühn Controls AG

We welcome you as a supplier.

We wish all our valued business partners, in free competition, equal opportunity, your products and services to offer.

We work according to the 20 elements of ISO 9000 so we expect our suppliers:




General topics:

We expect our suppliers to the recognition, observance and promotion of the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, fight against corruption in their entire supply chain.

You can send us some basic data, such as your company profile so we can better allocate and when necessary we will come back to you.

Otherwise, you can look at whether we just present one for publication on the Internet needs right message or a description.

Kühn Controls AG, Procurement Dept. Germany, Gräfenhäuser Str. 14, 75305 Neuenbürg, Germany • Tel.: +49 7082 940000 • Fax: +49 7082 940001.

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