We serve the global electro-technical and electronic control technology market with customised solutions for industrial customers.
We provide the service of solutions to problems that are efficient, reliable and use advanced technology with customer-orientated quality at the corresponding price level.
We provide our customers with proper and neutral advice and protect their intellectual property like our own.
We want to maintain fair and well-balanced conduct with long-term and solid relations in all of our business relationships.
We work towards good cooperation with the authorities and other public or official institutions.
Within the scope of possibilities, we aim to promote the personal and professional development of our employees and maintain a good and motivating working environment with their active incorporation in business practices.
We expect a high professional and personal qualification and the corresponding performance from our employees.
We aim to pay our employees appropriately for the high demands and work provided and to protect them with appropriate provisions.
The success of our business is the sum of the daily and recurring successes of all of our employees.
We therefore expect from everyone full identification with the company aims and business policies: Innovative willingness and flexibility as well as cooperative actions and awareness of costs.
We need to generate a profit that allows us to secure the existence and long-term further development of the company and enable appropriate interest on invested capital.
With our tasks and authorisations, we bear the moral and material responsibility for all of those who place their trust in us.
All business activities are always based on the principle of maintaining our freedom to make decisions.